UNIT OBJECTIVE: Upon completion of this unit, the student will be able to learn and achieved the requirements to received a certificate from TSTC in Criminal Justice Studies (5.0 CEU's). The students will (should) be able to learn the following courses objectives. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: TEKS ARE INCLUDED IN ( ) The students will be able to learn and study: 1)history of private law enforcement 5(A) A) history of security
B) the roman empire and period, Anglo-Saxon period,the modern period, world war influences
C) the middle ages
D) security today
2) physical security 5(G)
A) security lighting
B) intrusion detection
C) system controls
D) safes and vaults, fencing
3) crime scenes 3(E) 5(B)
A) determining the crime scene & boundaries
B) protect and preserve the scene
C) reconstruct the crime
D) physical evidence & collecting evidence
4) safety procedures 1(E)
A) elements of safety programs
B) key factors of accidents
C) accident types and causes
D) common safety hazardous
5) physical fitness 3(J)
A) life style and fitness
B) components of heath related fitness
C) types of exercise
6) use of force 3(J) 4(A) 5(F)
A) police/security take-downs
B) handcuffing techniques
C) intro to asp/pr-24 baton & ku-baton
7) investigations 5(B)
A) preliminary & follow-up investigations
B) auditing, interviews, and informants
C) undercover/surveillance investigations
8) traffic & crowd control 3(A)
A) formation & causes of crowds
B) psychological factors
C) counter measures
D) personal behavior
E) riot control
9) legal aspects 2(E)
A) law
B) sources of law
C) criminal and civil law
D) arrest & search
E) use of force
F) confessions, evidence, & constitution
G) burden of proof
10) report writing 2(A) 2(C)
A) the notebook, effective note taking
B) field notes & report writing
C) official reports
D) the value of the report
11) hazardous materials 4(B)
A) response to uncontrolled hazardous materials
B) activating the contingency plan
C) substance & quantity released
D) the damage & site security
E) response preparation
12) public relations 1(C)
A) effective costumer relations
B) handling complaints, the madia
C) plant emergency organization control
13) fire prevention 3(K)(L) 5(E)
A) principles of fire elimination
B) fire prevention
C) recognizing fire hazards & classifications
14) strikes/labor relations 2(E)
A) employee discipline and arbitration
B) employee misconduct and dishonesty
C) lockouts
15) crisis intervention 3(H)
A) causes of disrupted behavior
B) stage of management
C) verbal and physical disrupted behavior
D) team approach
E) safety considerations in crisis intervention
16) bomb threats 4(B)
A) explosive firing system
B) the end product
C) hazardous devices & explosive domestics
D) preventive measures
E) bomb threats and search procedures
17) professionalism and ethics 2(E)
A) key terms and concept
B) ethical decision making
C) why unethical behavior occurs
18) police/security liaison 1(A) 3(B) 5(A)(C)
A) relationship on the past & academicprograms
B) growth of private security
C) recommendations for improvement
19) criminal law 3(C)
A) penal code and ccp
20) civil law 2(E) 3(A)
A) tort law
B) lower court
C) claims court procedures
These courses are approved by the Texas Education Agency. Special Topics in Criminal Justice Studies is used in conjunction with my criminal justice courses which I teach in South Texas at San Benito High School, it is also fully accredited and in conjunction with Texas State Technical College, a regional accredited institution. I teach the following courses (Crime in America, Introduction to Criminal Justice, Correctional Systems & Practices, Fundamentals of Criminal Law and Introduction to Security -Protective Services, Section 125.115). TEKS means the Texas Essential Knowledge System, each course must be cover and approved by a section of Protective Services (section 125.11). My courses are officially articulated with colleges and universities Texas State Technical College, Trinity College and University, Cosmopolitan University and Coastal Bend College). Upon completion of this unit, the students will be able to learn and achieve the objectives in required to complete this course. The students will also have the opportunity to receive other important information such as professional certificates, diplomas, continuing education hours, the possibility to obtain college credit hours, etc. {INTRODUCTION TO SECURITY SERVICES PIEMS #12568709, CRIME IN AMERICA PIEMS #125687094, CORRECTIONAL SYSTEMS AND PRACTICES PIEMS #125687092, TECHNICAL INTRO TO CRIMINAL JUSTICE PIEMS #12568708, AND FUNDAMENTALS OF CRIMINAL LAW PIEMS #12568707}
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